Saturday, December 6, 2008

Waiting sucks, :( I hate that feeling. Imagine you sit in front of the computer for 4 hours, and you still can't wait for the one that you've waited for. Rejected all the activities to be an idiot waiting in front of the computer. I'm not complaining, just expressing out myself. I believe that if I continue to wait, I can wait for the one to appear. You're right! I am stupid, stupid enough to wait for a person to appear, BUT I'm willing to be stupid. Nothing's gonna stop me. Keep waiting.... 행운을 빕니다!
我要死了啦! 随时会休克! 因为我的心脏已经承受超过它能负荷的能量. 不知道啦, 就是我这几天都有问题就对啦, 整天都做在电脑面前傻笑, 或着整天抱着手提电话. 昨天我姐给了我新的电话, 我好喜欢! 因为它带来了我好运! 哈哈! 实在太好了. 想不到第一个打给我的竟然是"他"! 呵呵, 你们别想歪哦, 是这个"他"不是那个他, 懂了吗? 还看不懂吗? 我都说了, 最近我头脑都有点问题, 所以啊, 看看就好. 呵呵! 我不要了, 我后悔了, 我不要去澳洲了, 不要了!