Friday, August 28, 2009

This post is just craps, so please skip it if you want :)

Been really really really busy this few days..... Busying what? Aha, that's a good point! =D
I'm busying
I'm busying day-dreaming~ Hahahahahaha
Really la, I've been like day-dreaming always now. Wonder what on earth is wrong with me.
And everytime when I go out with my family, I'll always come home depress.
I hate going out doing holidays!!
Or should I say, I hate going out??

The amazing race photos that are in my phone :)

Credits to = The pro photographer, JOVY LOH KHEI YING *rounds of applause*


What's next? Oh ya, the pizza hut day~

* I just keep pressing browse browse browse, upload upload upload, I didn't even see what picture I'm uploading.... =D*

Credits to photographer Elaine Thang and Vanessa Wong~ * I'm not quite sure lo :$*
