I just don't know what's going on in my head right now. I'm confused. I really am. Should I like bang my head to the wall and maybe I'll wake up after that.
I'm just so pissed off and now the laptop don't even work right. It spent 30 freaking minutes just so start the front page. Just don't know what's going on lately. Grrr~
Oh ya, and I just waste my precious time watching Jennifer's Body. SO what there's a "hottie" in the movie? It's boring anyway, and left me with question marks after I watched it. Such a total waste of my time and money.
*You want me to choose on which laptopy I want that cost less than RM2000. And I choosed my mini pink Vaio laptop and now you say don't, because it seems that the Hp mini 110 is having a promotion now and it's cheaper than the mini pink vaio laptop. Duh~ Then why bother to ask me choose then? Why bother to ask? SO what now? Reducing the price from RM2000 to RM1500? Pissed pissed pissed~ And somemore you joke about sticking a pink sticker on the hp laptop and spray the word vaio word on it. Haha, it's funny. -.-*
Random thoughts : Anyone went to Pavillion to see the christmas decos yet? I just found out that the all of the raindeers have testicles but no penis. So why bother to do the testicles and leave out the penis? And the screws on the tummy looks like nipples.
Not going to blog anymore until next year. So miss me ya? Working my head off for the cross-stich and I'm proud to say, I'm almost finished!! Packing, packing and packing. Damn, do I need to bring so much stuffs? I mean I'm like packing every single day but everyday I have something new to stuff in my luggage bag. We're reaching at melbourne at night time so no sight-seeing at the airplane. Boo~ Wonder what's gonna happen to my arse and bladder for the 8 hours? Hmm~