Regarding to the nice and lovely dress that I got, it's actually a gift from my dad's friend, Van Anh. She came to Malaysia before with her some of her friends earlier in around June? And yea, I was mostly talking to her so maybe she likes me and give me a sweet present? I don't know. Haha.
And my mum is JEALOUS because she don't have a present! Muahaha....
For the past two days I've been stuck in my house with no water. So cham right? =D
Syabas people came and fix the paip. Aiya, fix already still the same one la, keep bursting and bursting. Sometimes got free water to water your plants. =) So, few BIG lorrys came and block the whole road. Can't even come back to my own house after lunch. >.< >
> Mummy left her at home and she's waiting by the door.
Poor thing....
And you know what? My dog knows how to read! I'm not bragging, but we have proof! Everytime when I let her sit with me when I'm reading, she will look at the book as well. Same to the computer, she will like keep pressing the key board! So cute right?
> Ignore my really messy hair! =)
Love Puggy more day by day. I mean she's so cute! Although most of them doesn't agree with me. =( I still remember that the 1st day she came home, I was asking my mum not to bring her near me, because her eyes were even bigger back then. And her eyes were watery and big, it gives me the creep. But her tongue back then was not that long, I wonder how the tongue grow so fast. =D
She's quite famous here, tho. Some kids will ask, where's the dog with the long long tongue? And some will even touch the tongue to see whether it's real or not. Haha. How often do you see a dos with such a long tongue? And how often you see a pug? Most of the people choose maltese, shi tzu, bichon frise, schnauzer, poodle and so-on.
I just know I love her loads! <3