You see? I'm so hardworking studying there! xD Actually I'm just trying to figure out how to do my KH folio. Damn that teacher, give us so much work and expect us to hand in tomorrow. Is-hh. So, looking for pictures in the net and I change my masalah. ^-^ My previous one very hard to find pictures and I can't think of any lakaran, so I change the masalah and I'm gonna copy the lakaran from my textbook. =P That's the way lazy people do. La la la~~
Ponteng english today~ =P Naughty naughty again. But no teacher mah, sei lo, getting more and more naughtier. Go Doritis, talk there then go back up for maths. Whole day fighting with either Vanessa or Vivien for Jovy. =P And Richard keep saying:"Girls these days..." Should I take Chinese for PMR? Even Vanessa taking le..... Skip latihan merentas desa today, and I don't think I'm gonna attend school on Friday. Lazy to run mah~ Wish Vanessa luck that she can win on Friday~
Kinda regret AGAIN for blurting that question out yesterday night. I shouldn't ask you that, because I really don't like that answer. Yea, that's me, I won't change it, I like the way I am now. Why do you treat me so nicely? Why why why? I don't think I'm gonna go there although I want to, my parents surely won't let. And I guess that the cost should be mighty EXPENSIVE! Jes say she'll go if someone pay for her expenses. PAY YOURSELF IF YOU WANNA GO! xD And I wanna end all this NOW! Just end it, can I just treat it as a beautiful dream?