Monday, January 5, 2009
First day of school was, uhm, ok la. And I forgot to take out my tanda sesi from my baju kurung. I feel so wierd the whole day ( except recess time ) xD Vanessa and I were rushing to see Vivien when it came to recess time. I was like day-dreaming when teacher is teaching. Du-hh, that teacher don't know how to teach. She said:" If you pass up your homework AT time, you'll have A". Hello?! I think even Pua Chu KAng's English is better than you. And Yay! We have Pn. Chan as our English teacher. Wakaka~~ Her class is fun, especially when it came to the BITCH part. Well, I've tried bathing in the morning and it's freaking COLD! I don't know why there's no HOT water even though I've on the heater. I'm going to boil water tomorrow. I've been shivering from head to toe. Ishh. Yea, and I also found out that different class have different time to go back. For example, Vivien's going back early on wednesday, but we in Eria need to stay until 1.45pm for the dunno what KO-AG. Ishh, I don't get to go back with Vivien. I heard that Cik Ng is teaching morning session. OH, is that true? And Wen Chuan told me that Pn. Khaw is not teaching for 1 year. So mummy, can I not take chinese? No teacher mah!! If got teacher also sure not good d la! =P
sotseine ♥