Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oh yeah~~
Oh yeah~~
Oh yeah~~
He called, and I didn't realize that. T.T But I thought he won't pick up the phone when I call him back, because I asume that he's busy with his work. Prove me wrong. (: He hang up my call, as usual,and call me back. ^-^ Oh yeah~~ I just don't know why he like to hang up my call and call me back. He apply another number again, and he says that it's for fun. Du-hh. Talking nonsense on the phone can be fun. (: I don't know how long we've been talking, I just know that my ears are hot and my handphone too! I forgot that I could change my ear to listen to the phone. I really didn't realize that I keep saying DUWAN througout our converstion. =P Did I? Haha, thanks for the singing.
Chay Fhei coming to my house and sleep over on friday night. Am I correct? I'm getting forgetful these few days. Chay Fhei oh Chay Fhei, my dog is going to be insane when she saw you. Remember to wear long pants and if you don't know why, you can always refer to Vivien Wee. (: