I'm back! I gave up studying already. IT's like going in your brain and going out later. Not planning to go to school tomorrow, and they're going to make goody-bags for craft tomorrow. Pn. Chan told me that. Jovy baobei, here's my update! =) This post is specially for you!
Actually Jovy and Vanessa is suppose to come over to my house after bubble tea-ing. But they still haven't show up at 3, so my sis ask me to gave them a call, and they're not coming! IShh~ But then they persuade me to go, Jovy said that she'll give my mask and Vanessa is going to belanja me McFlurry~ And I did went there. They were kinda shock to see me there * i think so*. Went home around 6? My mum called, I was damn scared that I'll reach home later than she does. And I need to rasuah Jes to fetch me and keep this thing discreet to my mum.
Jovy and I hug in the center of the road, going out without my mum's permission, going out when my mum's out for golf, going in the snooker room, walking in the KK streets like this, those are all my 1st times. =P But that's one thing for sure, I won't smoke for the 1st time or even one time. =)
Sudah tak ingat la! xD The only thing I remember is my sotster came out from the cage and Puggy Dear keep barking at something down the sofa. So I went and peek under it, thought that her bone is down there, and I found out that my poor sotster was curling itself there, shaking, fear that Puggy will eat her up. I don't think Puggy will eat her up, she'll only play with sotster, or even scratch it. Aunty Christine always told us, never ever let dogs play with hamsters. That time her dog gobble up a hamster in just a few seconds times! 0_0
APRILFOOL! It's 1st of April today!^_^
Eyan went back home early today. I should say that she slip out from school. Well, her father was waiting outside and our last period is BLANK! Jovy was trying to write her hp number on my hand and I'm declining it. So we struggle and struggle and struggle, until the boys ask us to "cat fight". It's not fighting, ok? LOL, at last she wrote in a piece of paper and try to put in my pinafore. That time the prefects are looking at us becuase I sat down on the floor, fighting her off me. =)
There's a bee in chinese class! I didn't scream at first, not until the bee buzzing beside me, or to be more precise, beside Vivien's chair! Daniel told me that the bee was there and I don't believe it, for I thouht he's fooling me, and it's really there. So I started jumping and shouting. =P Natural reaction!
I manage to fool Jovy that her S.HE is waiting for her outside. She say out WTF so damn loud, and the teacher is just beside her. xD April fool is fun!
Pn.Chan said that Wilson is kinda cute! Oh my freaking god. Jovy and I were laughing hard when Pn. Chan replied us that. We kind of guess that teacher will say it but it's still hilarious when teacher tell us in person. He's not cute and we hate his attitude. The we should be the whole class? After all, you won't hit someone for no reasons right? CJ was out "teacher" in English today. =P His teaching is horrible! We were just laughing and laughing. LOL, I love english periods!
And guess what? En. Azmi came to our class, and request CJ and Wilson to take off their shirts. Wakaka, the whole class are looking at them. They're lucky for they're wearing a TShort inside. AT first I don't know why En.Azmi wanna take their clothes, but now I know, they didn't tuck in their shirts! xD
Jovy thought I'm mad at her. And I'm not! Eyan gotto go and stand in front of the class during KH time for she didn't bring her exercise book. Many went out. Mahija was the most special one, she was sitting on the floor, in front of the class. xD She brought her book, just didn't finished it. Pn. Chan is sooo kind to let the KT's student to eat in class. =P We did curi-curi makan also.
I just hope that time will pass faster for I wana start working! It should be fun. One more week and I'm off to work!
Three more days and it's EXAM!
Should I start studying? Or just leave it? But there's one thing for sure, I'm gonna blog on weekends only! *if I have the time on weekends* =)