Sunday, May 17, 2009

Replys to JovyLohKheiYing:
1) I know I'm tense that time, I'm really sorry. But I'm okay now. See, I'm smiling le! =]

2) You better stop now, and why did you delete my comment on your blog? Or he comment didn't even appear on your blog? ?@_@

3)Because you suckz in your BM, so you should talk more to improve yourself mah! JiaYou! Kamu boleh punya!

4) I'm not studying la. Oops, I got le, your twilight story book lo! =p

5) I didn't put glue on your ruler purposely, I did that accidently and you didn't even give me a chance to say sorry. =[ But you seem to have fun running around the school like mad woman. xD