Sorry for dissapointing Elaine, but the Fabulous didn't win! =D
The Fabulous is not fabulous anymore. Haha....
All the six groups that win is basically BOYS!
BOYS with long long legs and good good stamina.....
Or maybe it's because we're stupid enough to walk wrongly twice?
I shouldn't say we, it's ME! =D
Just found out that a whole patch of my nail polish is gone. =(
Maybe it came off when I'm scraping the watermelon?
o.O... so that means I ate it? Lolx......
I really disrespect the Malaysia flag when I use it to poke the watermelon... Haha... Not fit to be a good Malaysian.....
Anyway, the amazing race is quite fun la, maybe should join again next year if they organize?
Everything is fun, EXCEPT the cleaning part. The lipstick on my shirt is like permanantly there. =(
I pratically sit on my bathroom door, scrubbing my shirt until my hands ache. And it's still there!
Maybe I should wash it once more?
It's 20 bucks le, I don't wanna waste it, at least let me wear until it's worn out. =D
Writing down stuffs that I wanna eat for this three days, and I'm home-alone! Oh, puggy's still at home with me. Na na na~ That means I can do whatever things I like! Wo~hoo~ Party time... =)
Oh ya, mummy ask me to buy some of the vegetables on tuesday, because we can't keep it too long. So does that mean I'm doing grocery shopping after my tuition? Hmmm..... Think so~
Pictures? It's still in the photograper's camera lah~ I wonder, will they give us every single picture they got? I don't think so lo~ Picture no need money meh? They should file it into albums and sell, maybe they'll get a profit from it? And I'll be the 1st to buy~ Haha =)
Tata.... Going to my comfy bed and have a good night rest! ^_^