Aunty forgot to fetch me on Tuesday morning and I'm late to school for that! I'm starting to get worries when she's not here by 7.20. So, I called her and ask where is she now, and she answer me that she is now reaching the school!! Grr, so I quickly jumped into my mum's car and she drove me to school. She went in the WRONG junction and end up jamming up with the prmary schoolers. =.=" So I wait and wait and wait and finnaly, we've reached our school and when I run to school, the pengawas said :" Kenapa awak lewat?" T.T It's not my fault la, ok? I was so freaking scared they want us to stand in front of the students. But they didn't, phew~~ Good Pengawas!! ^-^ And they didn't even write my name down. Phew phew phew~~ And oh ya, Sheen Yeen forgot to pass me the pp uniform on tuesday so I have no uniform to wear on wednesday. Haha, she still thought that her brother is afternoon class.
Today we went to bilik seni, and I was siting with Khei Ying and Eyan ( is this spelling correct? ), and we start talking dirty stuffs there. Or is me talking only? Anything la, I even have a manila card bra, underwear and tube. xD And it's purple in colour. (: And I dreamt that I was pregnant last night! OMG, it's so so so scary, I shout out and I'm sweaty all over. Don't know if my sis heard my shout? Then Vanessa ask me:"Aiyerr, you dream that you and someone XXX ah?" Please la, I didn't dreamr of the process, I just dreamt that I'm pregnant and I gave birth to a pair of twins. And I have no idea who the father is. Sheen Yeen say that's a funny dream but I don't think so. That feeling of being pregnant is so scary, and the dream is so real!! Pn. Chan say that French guys are cute and handsome. Yeah, they are, but in the mean time, their heart very flower d wor xD Direct translation, flower heart=花心 Hmm, I think I'll just stick to mine, he's cute enough and handsome enough! xD Hope that Joan didn't see this part. ^-^
~爱要耐心等待 仔细寻找 感觉很重要
宁可空白了手 等候一次 真心的拥抱
我相信这个世界上 一定会遇到对的人出现!~