Today is the 1st time that I reach earlier than Vanessa. Wohoo~~ Clap clap xD The first period is maths and the teacher give us tons of hw as usual. Then, KH! Pn. Siva check our books one by one and those who didn't wrap their books in blue have to stand up. Then, time to say the masalah dan penyelesaiannya. Those who didn't do got to get out of the class and stand at the corridor. Yiks! My heart was beating fast when it's my turn to say the masalah. I'm scared to do something wrong or say something wrong. But she say mine is good. Phew~~ Moral after that, finish my moral hw while the headmistress is talking in front. Went to toilet with Vanessa and the downstairs toilet is LOCKED! Wee~~ recess time after that. I don't remeber talking to Vivien during recess today, why ah? Oh ya, she went toilet. And the toiletS are soo dirty because there's no water since, hmm, Saturday and every toilet hace either shits, tissues or blood. That is so so so disgusting. So when I go to toilet with Vanessa, I choose toilets that have no locks because those are the cleanest! xD By BM time, Vanessa and I were zha-ing each other. =P I keep shouting when she hit my bag. Haha, I was hugging my bag in case she zha me back. So we were making noise pollution there. Or was it just me? I was shouting + screaming back there. Then when Vannessa hit my back, I shout, and Kenneth sat on the floor. I think James pulled his chair when Kenneth wanna sit down. James changed to our class already, and another boy from Vanilla. So, when the bell rang, Vanessa go and zha my butt from my back. I scream AGAIN and I stumble backwards, and I step onto my own baju kurung. xD My baju kurung very long mah. Vanessa, you better watch out tomorrow!!!! When I pass by Jovy's table, I took her watch which was on her table, and after 2 periods, she haven't even realise that yet! Vanessa was like gimme the watch, gimme the watch, and when I pass her the watch, she wear it and don't want to take it off. =.="
Found out that I've been neglecting sotbear for a very very long time. =P Sotbear still inside the cupboard, long time didn't hug her jorr lo, because I'm still hugging my kuma kuma from Jes to sleep every night, and the pig bolster from Elaine and Joan when I'm doing my hw and studying~~ Oh ya, teacher did mention that panda is a protected animal so everyone must protet me, cannot harm me, because I'm a panda. xD Wanna buy clothes for sotbear, the sexy sexy cheerleading clothes also not bad, but very expensive oh, Rm30++, I can buy ine T-shirt for my own liao. Haha, waiting for them to have discounts, but I don"t think they have. ): Nevermind, I'll start earning money now and buy one nice nice clothes for my sotbear. (: Should I buy the wedding gown for her or the sexy cheerleading clothes or cute cute nurse uniform? Too much choice!