I feel so awful today.
I went to PDL consultation today after school. Slept all the way WITHOUT safety belt. =P I forgot! Reached there, met Andrea, say hi, press the bell, gate open, go in. xD Then we're given a form to fill up and my consultant is Bernard! Yepee~~ I'm so lucky~~ I saw Dato' Lawrence outside =P I don't dare to say hi to him. Haha. When I went in to the consultation room, Bernard say:" Hi, Andrea!" =.=" And I told him that I'm not Andrea only he say oh. hello Wei Seine! That's better! (: Then, ask tons of question and my answer is either *shaking head* or *nodding head*. =P When he ask am I struggling in my life, I answer him Happy Go Lucky! Wow, the answer just pop into my mind. I'm so smart~~ And I forgot to ask his MSN. T.T He asked my about the 7 areas of a sucessful students and I can answer that. (: Thank god I didn't forgot that. Then after that, he ask me do I have any personal problems that I want him to consult, like girlfriend boyfriend relationship problem, or I got a crush for someone etc. I was like, NO and I was shaking my head furiously. (: Then talk talk talk talk, in less then 30 minutes and I'm out of that room, and it's suppose to be a 30 minutes talk. Who cares? And my mum asked about the ABC course and it cost RM1800++ OMG, so expensive! My mum say I could go to Australia with that money. When I'm walking down the stairs, I fell down. ): My last pose is kneeling down the floor and they have CCTV there. T.T So malu~~ Then my mum keep laughing. *pout-ing* Pn. Chan did say before it's ok for a girl to pout but not for boys! =P Oh yea, my mum bought the closing ceromany VCD and I watch disc 1 just now and it's not our course intake. =.=" I change to disc 2 and I'm there! Wee~~ I keep crying when I watch that video. Sniff sniff. And I just talk like about 5 sentences?
Happy evening everyone!
My name is Chen Wei Seine and I'm from Kota KEmuning, Shah Alam.
I'm 14 this year and I'm currently studying in SMK Kota Kemuning.
I really learn a lot in this camp *start to cry*
And I found out that I don't really understand my family*face begin to turn red*
Mum and Dad, I'm sorry! * crying while walking down the stage to hug my parents*
That was what I said. And the script is not suppose to be like that. I was planning to say much more up there and I was planning to start crying around the 10th sentence? Oh well, that plan just got wrong and I end up with only 5 sentences. =P Wanna watch the video? I'll video that in the weekends and I'll post it, if I remember.
P/s: I'm not seeing a pysicologist and it's not those consultation if you're thinking I have mental problems. =P