Heehee... Old posts are back! Wee~ I just undelete my old blog and re-post the 3 blogs back. Lazy bum bum~ So just ignore the dates for the 3 posts, kay? I forgot to reset it when I did my new blog. Hmm, planning to re-do the blogskin? Later?
Fooled by our Pn. Wan Fauziah ( our Sej teacher ), she say that Pn. Reetha will be teaching us for about 1 month, and it turns up to be an unknown teacher who doesn't teach Sejarah. At least she's kind enough to let us know that her option is not Sejarah and NOT teaching us Sejarah. =) Guess we'll need to study ourselves? Gah, waste my time copying the notes yesterday.
People's been saying I look lonely without Jovy. Do I? I don't know. =) Maybe I did cut down on talking. =D Exchanging lame jokes during science today, teacher busy doind experiment in front, we busy talking at the back. Then there's some smell, at first it's quite nice, like perfume, but later it starts to get a bit chokey, and teacher say it's sulphur dioxide. ?_? Do they smell?
Ahahaha... Singapore is such a small place. I was checking out http://www.snowxwhite.com, since I didn't log on to it like ages? And she attend the flash mob thing in Singapore, and there's Xiaxue and Mike in her pictures. The picture of Mike is so damn clear wei. ^_^
Oh dear, it's 9.30 now, gotta go sleep now. Goodnight!
I superb love KheiYing's picture! I wanna go Mardi too~ Can I, Jovy? Heehee