This morning's assembly was canceled, because of the heavy rain this morning. Yepee~ So spent the 1st period talking to Jovy. She was telling me the details on what happened on Friday night. Then, the boring geo starts. Lots of notes to catch up on. *sighing*
Then after recess, not quite sure what made them hyper, Dhivhia and Jovy start singing. So I swap place with Jovy to let them group "together" and sing. La li la la~ Singing non-stop for the 2 periods of science.
Nilam? Hmm, in the library again. Can't remeber what topic is it about, but it ended up like this.
Jovy : Me too!
WeiSeine: Me three!
Jovy :Me four!
WeiSeine:Me five!
Jovy : Me ten!
WeiSeine: Erm, me twenty?
Jovy : Fuck you!
See how vulgar she is? Haha, just joking.
Then went down to Doritis a while, because our Sivik teacher is sick or something. Went back up again, start copying my geo notes, and they start to sing again. Benedict got quite annoyed by their singing and threathen to give them penalty if they don't stop. I'm damn beh song lo! No rules say that we cna't sing, okay? Then I demand for the reason, and you know what he say? Because I'm annoyed, because I'm pissed, and I'm a prefect!
What kind of prefect is this? There's nothing to say anymore. I'm really dissapointed in these kind of prefects.
Been waiting for an hour for Jovy to show up. Maybe her mum took the modem again? Gonna post back the old post, but not now, too sleepy to do it. Gotta get a good nap. Goodnight! =)
OooooOOoooOOOo, I want this!