Can't find Elaine anywhere, until I saw her bag in the cupboard only I remember that she has left to the church. Hope that she knows how to open the old Volvo car door from inside. =) She will know what I mean.
Busy whole day, my hand was cut while washing the dishes, to be precise is the glass cup. I didn't realize it was chipped, and when my hand slide through there, OUCH! Ice-cream are being friendly to us today, the ice-cream yesterday were all watery because of some technical problem of the ice-cream compressor.
I was out there serving when Ben leave, and you know what car he's driving? A black Volkswagen Beetle! Hmm, ah, found the picture already! =)

Exactly like this one! I want a car like this too! Any edition with pink? Haha
Now another decision to make. Going to Gelateria or going to Pyramid on next Sunday. Ishh~~ But most probably will be going to Pyramid. Who will resist a day of shopping? Lolx
I deleted my old blog and this is my new one. I spent 2 hours copy-paste my previous blog post to Microsoft Word, because the stupid me don't know how to revert back to Classic template. After wasting my precious 2 hours copying and pasting, plus deleting my old blog, and finding a new blogskin, I found the button to revert back to Classic template. I should have bang my head to the walls. >.<
So, previous blog post will be up erm, when I'm free? =)